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Easy to Use Safety Permitting Software

Finding the right safety permitting software can be harder to find than you think, until SafeTK™. Most people who utilize safety permitting on a daily basis don’t have the strongest technical background, which makes it harder to use less intuitive systems. Often times, users may need to be retrained which can lead to longer downtime for equipment and can also impede daily tasks. At the end of the day, this costs your company money due to increased man hours, decreased equipment uptime, and even daily frustration.


Understanding the best administrative option for your site is the first place to identify how your safety permitting application is supported. Whether you have an onsite Subject Matter Expert (SME), have internal IT to provide assistance, or even speaking with the software company themselves are all possible options. For a SME to have the tools necessary to understand the safety permitting application, they will need properly trained in the first place. Does the safety permitting application you use have various training options, such as SME training? This is also true for sites that prefer to consult with their internal IT. Does the IT team have the tools and training they need to provide support to the end-user for the application?


At SafeTK™, we have three different options for training:

Train the Trainer – This training is the best option if you want to have a SME or an onsite trainer for all of your locations. Whether it’s a large-scale fleet-wide implementation or even a small single-site implementation, having a SME onsite helps immensely, especially during outages. After receiving “Train the Trainer” training from the SafeTK™ team, this individual, or group of individuals, will know all there is to know about your site’s configuration and usage of the application


Administrative – The type of training internal IT support, or a SafeTK™ “champion”, might require for administering and maintaining the application. Often times an individual may be promoted within your company and may require different permissions to perform certain actions in the SafeTK™. A Supervisor will not have the same permissions as an Operator, for example. After being trained by the SafeTK™ team, your own Administrators of SafeTK™ can immediately make the changes necessary to provide the proper permissions, in addition to the SafeTK™ support team.


Usage – Since SafeTK™ is configured around your site’s existing process, or whichever process decided upon moving forward, our team can provide you the usage training required to use the application with ease. With a training plan customized around your daily use, there’s no need to worry about knowing how to utilize the application with your process.


Understanding the best administrative option for your site is the first place to identify how your safety permitting application is supported.


SafeTK™ training can be provided in person or via the web, depending on what would work best for your location. Join the SafeTK™ family and learn why we are the global leader of safety permitting software.


Another issue with asking the software company for assistance is, how many software companies actually provide technical support for their application? The answer may be shocking, but there are very few options out there with a dedicated support team to help with using a safety permitting application. Having a dedicated team of support means having an open line of communication to learn and understand.


Relearning an application can be daunting without proper aid. You may have individuals on site who know certain aspects of the application, but they may not be the best at conveying the information or helping others understand. On the spot assistance is huge when you have a quick question or even when help is needed immediately. Having an open line of communication with the vendor for your safety permitting application is key regardless of who needs the help.


One final thing to keep in mind is the location of the support team themselves. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with outsourcing technical support, but often times this can lead to various frustrations. The individual on the other end of the phone may misinterpret information, hard to understand, or they could even be in a completely different time-zone. Having a support team that speaks the same language, is friendly, and above all else is interested in fixing the problem leads to reduced stress, increased production, and allows peace of mind during day to day activities.


Safety permitting has many facets to it, your safety permitting application should provide all of the functionality your site requires, without the frustration from a lack of support. Identify what would work best for your site, ask the vendor what training options they provide, and ultimately choose the right application the first time.


SafeTK™ is the global leader of safety permitting software. With over 100+ years of combined safety permitting experience, we know all of the pain points across various sectors. Choosing SafeTK™ as your safety permitting platform doesn’t stop after implementation. Our dedicated support team is readily available to help with spot training, technical support, and helping with minor modifications to your SafeTK™ application.